it aint complicated no more
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 |

ok i'll be straightforward
ever since tat day
i jus kinda got a rush
[of feelings u perverts....]
it was like one day
i was sayin he was

totally not my type
and its still true
i still find him boring

but i jus started to thk bout him
started thkin wat would

it be like bein wit him
kissin him
or jus a blind date
it was disastrous
was startin to get chest pains again
[u knw when u get emotional u feel like u're bein stabbed]
n i was avoidin him ......
but at e same time

wanna meet him
i'm like some naive kid
waitin for my kiss
...its like double dutch
u're jus sittin there thkin
when am i goona get it
when am i gonna get it
when am i gonna get it

so i was practically an idiot wit a crush

for like 1 1/2 days
it started when i was

dreamin bout bein wit him
i jus remembered my 4 previous steads
n i was like wats gonna be diff
its gonna be casual dating
hav arguements cuz
my strict parents dun wanna let me out
be bitchin bout him to my gurls
blah blah

but i finally realised it was nothin
when i showed my bro his pics
n then he was stranglin me
wat the hell is wrong wit u
he's so normal so common
ok he dances

but its mordern dance....
its not like poppin or locking
n u always said
u wan a guy whom is special
take u to dance lessons

than slackin around
take u to e zoo instead of a movie
buy u kinky stuff

rather than flowers n soft toys

n it was so true
so damn true
it jus gonna be

another heartbreak affair
guess i like him cuz either
i was deprived
or i jus wondered how

it would be like datin again
i'm such an idiot