fun time wit bloggin muahaha
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 |

You've Got It Bad For Him

For better or worse, you've always got your friend on the brain.
If he digs you too, this could be a very good thing.
If not, at least you tried! You've got to make a move and find out.
You might discover that he's been pining away for you as well.
Are You Crushing on Him (And Don't Even Know It)?

omg i totally AM crushin on him...ooooooooooooo kinky

Your Depression Level: 92%

You seem to be severely depressed.
You should seek immediate attention from your physician.
Depression can be cured - you just need to take the first step.
Are You Depressed?

yep i'm freakin depressed
hate my life

Your Drag Queen Name Is:

Zsa Zsa LaHore
Drag Queen Name Generator

haha hi my name is HORE without e W haha