story of our life
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 |

we met one year ago
durin JAE orientation
i saw u on the train
wit frenz i used to hav
but the impression didnt last long
so we forgot each another's existence

many months later
sick of the past
i cut my hair short
it was then
u finally noticed me
u stared across e canteen
wonderin how i would be

u came up wit a plan
u held my best friend close
it wasnt long
be4 we met upclose
u didnt really attract me
cuz i thought u were another flirt

but on tat fated day
i saw u cry...
i decided i really wanted to knw u
i wanted to make the pain go away
i'm nt sure since when
i started to like u
i started to grow closer to u
wit every passin day

but aft 1 week
n u hardly knw me at all
u asked for my hand
tat shook the hell out of me
i was afraid
i rejected u
cuz i thgt u were insincere

one week later
i found out u were true
so i asked u to be wit me
to stay by my side for real

we had two months of
joy and laughter
cuz although
u criticise the way i spoke
the way i dress
the way i thought [emo]
i still loved u
cuz i knew u were true frm the start

but aft tat she came back into your life
u said tat u didnt knw who to choose
so we decided to part
but i regretted instantly
cuz i still love u dear
n i knw ur feelings for her
was nothin but a remembrance

so we patch back
but in e end it still felt miserable
aft all tat happened
so we finaaly break
n continue as frenz

but aft 3 days
u came runnin back
sayin how u missed me
n i hit u back wit the same reply
sayin i feel e same way too

so we secretly date
for this 2 weeks
it was the happiest times
of our life
although it was wrong
but we were happy
so for a while we didnt care

but reality struck us
we couldnt keep living this lie
so u decided to end it
u decided its best
tat we forget each another completly

in a way
we were together for 3 months
although it was short
but it was one of the happiest
moments in my life
coudnt believe it ended this way
we're both hurt by this outcome
but its fate
u said u'll never find another like me
n believe me
i'll never find another like u too
we held together n cried
cuz it jus wasnt fair
how can we love each another so much
when its never gonna work
i stared at u across e canteen
u stared back at me
but we're strangers now
so i looked away
n faked a smile
thkin i'll get used to bein the past me
u walked away
i glanced over
but u were already gone
this is the end of our story
fairytales were never meant to be real
love is jus a fool's game
tat i fell for
over n over again

the old me
...will i be able to pick up the pieces i left behind ?