how to fix a broken heart
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 |
haiz miss my hair [mental headslap]
i'm such a nut [a wild one...i thk]
i jus cant wear heels for heaven sake
luv to wear them
but cant walk in them
luv to wear them
but cant walk in them
wore my fav pumps today [luv pumps worship*]
n then rolled down e hill 5 min later
god i hate myself
so was literally bitin my lip while we walked through vivo
i was a hair away frm shoutin oww in someone's face
well prob not his face cuz i like his face hahaz
n then my heel got stuck inbetween e planks again
[at e top of vivo]
was stuck there for like 1 min
n then i got pissed n jus yank it out
he was laughin la [bloody embarassin]
as if things couldnt be worse
most of e shops were closed [cuz of some business dinner thing] comments......its like literaaly sayin HA in my face.......uuuuurgh
so we chilled at e top
we were lying on e floor starrin at e starless sky [pathetic i knw]
n then he became emo cuz of me
n then we went home early....sign*
n i didnt get my bag.....double sign*
oh gurl work
i can feel u hurtin...i am so sorry
no matter which direction i take its still gonna break ur heart
i'm so so so sorry
pls dun be like this
seein u hurt makes me feel bloody guilty....
....i knw how it feels like....
i really do
but i dunno wat to say
dunno how to act
dunno how to think
cuz no one taught me be4
i feel so lost right now
....u said time is wat u need
if tat is wat u wan me to do then so be it
but i jus cant help but feel
i shd be doin more
to help u ease the pain
...jus tell me at to do...